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Hello!! Greetings from Cuba!! Fantastic tool!! I was making an app in unity that warned about concerts and events of some artists. I think your tool is exactly what I need. I'm not very good at programming, so I'll present my problem directly to you: I need to get the images of at least the last 3 tweets from a specific account and present them in the app. In the videos you do much more complex things, but once I download the tools from here, I can't find all the classes you use in them. I'll keep working on this and I'll tell you any progress on youtube and! I am using Unity 2020.3.0f1 and everything has worked fine for me! Again thank you very much!!  PS: Excuse my English (Google Translate)

hi CT - the idea for this is amazing, I'm suprised that more noise hasn't been made about your work as the potential is huge. One bit of feedback - the video doesn't seem to match classes / namespaces in the download. The example.cs also throws an error. I'd love to be able to get this one working. Is there any plans for updated documentation or github download? Good luck with your current projects. stew  

Hi there, thanks for much for the kind words!

I've just downloaded the tools from this page and loaded up the demo in Unity 2019 and failed to encounter any compile errors. The video is admittedly out of date since I've made some quality of life upgrades since it was published but the genral principles are still the same.

What errors are you encountering exactly? I'd hazard a guess it'll be something related to a newer version of Unity I've haven't tried.


Hi , I have added support for fetching media files in your twitter plugin.
Just follow the instruction below to add it.  :)